Oddelek za romanske jezike in književnosti

Beca de estudios en la Universidad de Huelva

Below you will find information about a scholarship to study an official one year master programme in the University of Huelva during the coming 2021/2022 academic year. (Please note that master studies are taught in Spanish at the University of Huelva.)

The Talent Attraction Scholarship offers 20 places for students of academic excellence to study an official master programme.

The following students should not apply as they are automatically excluded:
•       Students who have previously been awarded this scholarship and availed
of the place
•       Students who have previously been awarded this scholarship and have
•       Students of Spanish nationality

The funding will cover the cost of academic credits and registration, the cost of a Spanish language course as well as a  total payment of 3000€ to help with costs related to accommodation and board.

The deadline for application acceptance is 1st April, 2021 at 23:59

You will find the online application at:

For further information please consult the links below or write to drinter09@sc.uhu.es






Department of History

Change of Office Hours Kornelija Ajlec

Department of Asian Studies

Change of Office Hours Nina Golob

Department of Slavistics

Change of Office Hours Evgeniia Stepanova

Department of Library and Information Science and Book Studies

Change of Office Hours Maja Kuhar

Department of German, Dutch and Swedish

Change of Office Hours Marija Mojca Peternel