Enrolment and Progression

Candidates who fulfil the requirements for enrolment as set in the call for enrolment can enrol based on the invitation to enrol. Upon enrolment, students gain the status of a student that can be proven with a university student ID card, which is a public document.

The study calendar is based on the Higher Education Act and the Statute of University of Ljubljana.
The academic year begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. The study calendar for current academic year  is available here.

The enrolment of accepted candidates in the first year of doctoral studies usually takes place between September 14 and September 30.

Once the selection procedure is completed, accepted candidates receive instructions by post and e-mail for electronic enrolment in the first year. They also receive username and password to access the student information system (VIS).

Enrolment takes place via the student information system VIS and by post.

Instructions for filling in the enrolment paper are available here, chapter »Filling in the enrolment paper«.

For progression from the first to the second year of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Study Program in the Humanities and Social Sciences, students have to complete 40 ECTS in organised forms of study of the first year of study (Compulsory core course I,  Compulsory core course II , Elective seminar course I, Elective seminar course II).

For progression from the second to the third year of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Study Program in the Humanities and Social Sciences, students have to complete 10 ECTS in organised forms of study of the second year of study (External course) and have a positive assessment of the suitability of the topic of doctoral dissertation by the Committee to monitor the doctoral student confirmed by the Senate of the faculty.

For progression from the third to the fourth year, students have to have the doctoral dissertation topic confirmed by the Senate of the UL.

The enrolment in the higher year is usually carried ou trough student information system (VIS) and by post.

For enrolment in a higher year, the student information system (VIS) checks the compliance with the conditions. Enrolment papers are expected to be opened for students on August 30.

Instructions for filling in the enrolment paper are available here , chapter »Filling in the enrolment paper«.

During their studies (at each cycle), students have the right to re-enroll in the same year of the study (repetition of the same year). However, in this case, the student status ceases at the end of the last semester and those students do not have the right to enrolment into additional year.

Student who wishes to re-enrol in the same year (repeat the same year of the study programme) must send a request to the Administrative Office for Doctoral Study (Third-Cycle) that prepares the enrolment sheet for re-enrolment in the student information system (VIS).

Instructions for filling in the enrolment paper are available here , chapter »Filling in the enrolment paper«.

The extension of the status is possible based on justified reasons, such as: prolonged illness, exceptional family and social circumstances, parenthood and special status of the students, and will be decided by the Committee for doctoral studies of the Faculty of Arts.

Student mothers who give birth during their studies, and male students who become fathers during their studies, are entitled to have their student status extended by one year for each child born alive. The right for extension of student status begins in the study year following the study year when the justified reason have occurred.

Students have to submit a request for extension of student status based on justified reasons. Further information for submitting a request for extension of student status for justified reasons is available in the tab Guidance” “Student Request Submission.”

Students can enrol in an additional year after the end of the last year, regardless of the amount of credit points achieved.

Enrolment in the additional year is from September 1 to September 30, in exceptional cases enrolment is also possible later.

Enrolment takes place via the student information system (VIS) and by post.

Instructions for filling in the enrolment paper are available here , chapter »Filling in the enrolment paper«.

Students on the three-year doctoral study programme must hand in their doctoral dissertation at the latest within four years from the day when the Senate of the University of Ljubljana approved the doctoral dissertation topic.

Students on the three-year doctoral study programme who cannot hand it their doctoral dissertation by the deadline specified in the previous paragraph may submit a request to the Administrative Office for Doctoral Study (Third-Cycle) for an extension of the deadline for handing in their doctoral dissertation or an extension of the validity of the doctoral dissertation topic, whereby the deadline can be extended once for a maximum of one year. The Senate of the Faculty of Arts shall pass a decision on the submitted request on the basis of an opinion from the Committee for doctoral studies.

In the event that a student has already had an extended deadline for submitting a doctoral dissertation, and due to the declared epidemic could not submit a dissertation within this extended period, he may submit a new request for extension before the expiry of this previous deadline. In accordance with the decision of University of Ljubljana no. 031-13/ 2020 of 15 December 2020, a member faculty may exceptionally extend the deadline for submitting a doctoral dissertation to a doctoral student who could not complete and submit a doctoral dissertation due to the declared epidemic by up to 1 year from the entry into force of the Government of Republic of Slovenia decision to cancel the epidemic. The Member faculty shall issue an individual decision to the student.

The above does not apply to four-year doctoral students who must submit a doctoral dissertation within 2 years after the expiration of the student status in the last year or. additional year.

A student who loses the student status may continue with his or her study obligations for two years after losing the status, unless the accreditation of individual programme expires. After the expiry of two years period from the loss of status, a student will be considered to have interrupted the studies and must submit a request for continuation or completion of studies after the interruption.

More information on submitting a request for continuing or completion of studies is available in the tab “Guidance” “Student Request Submission.”

Students complete their studies after completing all the obligations specified by the study programme, including the defence of the doctoral dissertation, in the total amount of 240 ECTS. One of the study obligations for completing the doctoral study programme is also the publication of the at least one original scientific paper, based on the content of the doctoral dissertation, in a publication considered a valid work by the UL’s habilitation criteria for individual academic fields.

Student has to be the lead author of the original scientific paper, the paper has to be published or accepted for publication before the submission of the doctoral dissertation. If the status of first lead author is not possible (for example, in international research or for other justified reasons), the mentor must ensure by means of an appropriate declaration that the student’s share of the published work is significant.