
From the time of filling out the enrolment paper communication with students at the Faculty of Arts is carried out exclusively through the student's UL digital identity email address, which is created by taking over the UL digital identity and has the form (it is also possible that there are more numbers).

Students are obliged to use the specified e-mail address.

The procedure for acquiring a digital identity is described here. At the same time, online forms are also available in case of forgotten password, changing the password, and checking the functioning of the digital identity.

If there are problems during use (e.g. the student does not have access to the specified e-mail box or does not receive notifications in the e-mail box), the student can contact UL by reporting an error via the error report link.

Detailed UL instructions for accessing e-mail and for setting up mail clients are available here.

At the latest by 21 December in year two of study, the student must register a doctoral dissertation proposal. 

The registering a doctoral dissertation proposal is carried through the student information system (VIS). Student can access the student information system (VIS) by entering username and password.

When they are logged in, they have to choose (on the left side of the menu) “PRIJAVA DISPOZICIJE”/”THEME APPLICATION”. 

The student must register a doctoral dissertation proposal with all the required enclosures to Administrative Office for Doctoral Study (Third-Cycle) by e-mail:

Short description of the procedure of registration of the doctoral dissertation proposal is available here.

A doctoral dissertation proposal registration will be considered by the Senate of the Faculty of Arts based on the proposal from the Committee for doctoral studies.

A doctoral candidate may register the proposal of their doctoral dissertation proposal no more than twice in the same field of the doctoral study programme prior to submitting their doctoral dissertation for assessment You can find more information in the chapter Re-registration of doctoral dissertation proposal (second registration)

Doctoral dissertation proposal - documentation

When registering a doctoral dissertation proposal, student must provide the following documents: 

  • application for registration of doctoral dissertation proposal, which must include the student’s personal information, the name of the study programme and the field in which the student wishes to acquire the doctoral title, and the title of the proposed doctoral dissertation in Slovene and English,
  • proposal for mentorship and possible co-mentorship and consent of the supervisor and potential co-supervisor and indication of their 3 to 5 scientific references in the field of the theme of the doctoral dissertation;
  • the student’s CV, with emphasis on her activities in the academic field;
  • the student’s bibliography (list of published academic, professional, project and other papers);
  • consent by the commission, responsible for ethics in accordance with Article 52 of Rules and Regulations on the third cycle of study and the Statute of the UL if the student has marked this in her application;
  • a doctoral dissertation proposal, defined in Article 53 of Rules and Regulations on the third cycle study programmes;
  • possible proposal for writing the dissertation in another language in accordance with Article 51 of Rules and Regulations on the third cycle study programmes and the Statute of the UL.

The entire documentation referred to in the previous paragraphs must be written in Slovene. In case of study of foreign languages and literature, a proposal for a doctoral dissertation proposals (in addition to Slovene) may also be written in that language.

If the documentation for the registration of doctoral dissertation proposal is not complete, the Administrative Office for Doctoral Study (Third-Cycle) invites the student to complete it within a certain period, but the deadline for completion may not be longer than one year. If the student does not complete the application within the specified deadline, the application is rejected by a decision.

Structure, content, length and language of the doctoral dissertation proposal

The doctoral dissertation proposal must be written and set out in accordance with the rules that apply to the structure of academic papers at the appropriate FA department and comprise 3 to 7 printed pages in A4 format (without sources and table of contents).

The doctoral dissertation proposal must include:

  • the suggested title of the doctoral dissertation (in Slovene and English or other language in case student is studying foreign languages and literature, in accordance with the recommendations and instructions for writing titles, which are a constituent part of Rules and regulation on the third cycle study programmes);
  • the research field of the theme of the doctoral dissertation;
  • definition of the research, which includes:
    • overview of the narrower academic field and overview of current research in the doctoral dissertation theme field and the purpose of the research,
    • clearly presented hypotheses and research questions or objectives with a short explanation,
    • research concept and description of research methods,
    • definition of the expected results and original contribution to research,
    • list of relevant literature from the field of doctoral dissertation. 
  • a draft of the research data management plan in accordance with Article 71 of Rules and Regulations on the third cycle study programmes (not valid for generations, enrolled before 2021/2022 academic year).

Guidelines of University of Ljubljana for research data management planning is avilable here, the data management plan( DMP) templates are however available at the links below:

More information on research data management is available here.

If upon registration of the doctoral dissertation proposal the student has submitted an application to write the dissertation in a foreign language, the proposal must be written in that foreign language and translated into Slovene.

Writing a doctoral dissertation in a foreign language

If a student has submitted a request for writing a doctoral dissertation in a foreign language when applying for registration of the doctoral dissertation proposal, the doctoral dissertation proposal must also be written in a foreign language and translated into Slovene.

A doctoral dissertation may be written by a student in English if there are justified reasons for it (foreign student, foreign supervisor, co-supervisor or member of the Committee to monitor the doctoral student).

A doctoral dissertation can be written in another foreign language in case of studies of a foreign language or literature.

The decision regarding writing a doctoral dissertation in a foreign language is made by the Senate of the UL on the proposal of the Senate of the Faculty of Arts.

If the doctoral dissertation is written in a foreign language, the student is also obliged to write a comprehensive summary in Slovene (within 10 percent of the entire text) using the appropriate Slovene professional terminology from the scientific field of the doctoral dissertation.

Consent of the Ethics Committee and other permissions

If the content and methods of the doctoral dissertation require so, the student must obtain the consent of the Committee responsible for ethics or other Committee in order to carry out the research as part of the preparation of the doctoral dissertation.

As a rule, the student submits the obtained consent of the committee responsible for ethics to the Administrative Office for Doctoral Study (Third-Cycle) when registering the doctoral dissertation proposal.

More information on Committee responsible for ethics is available here.

Re-registering the doctoral dissertation topic (Second registration)  

The student may register the proposal of their doctoral dissertation proposal no more than twice in the same field of the doctoral study programme prior to submitting their doctoral dissertation for assessment. On the second registration, the student may register either a new proposal of the dissertation or an updated proposal of the dissertation which was already considered by the senate of the UL member. A second registration of a rejected dissertation proposal shall not be permitted.

If the senate of FA or the UL Senate rejects the doctoral dissertation proposal which the student is registering for the second time, the student may no longer complete the doctoral programme in that field.

Re-registering of the doctoral dissertation topic is charged in accordance with point 4.3. of the price list of the faculty for each academic year. When calculating the costs of performing missing study obligations, the value of credit points (ECTS) of an individual subject/ obligation and the amount of tuition fees for the year of the study program are taken into account. The costs of performing an individual subject/ obligation are calculated by determining the value of ECTS according to the amount of tuition of an individual year (one ECTS is evaluated as one sixtieth of the tuition fee), which is multiplied by the number of ECTS subject / obligation costs on UL).

Information on the number of ECTS of individual subjects / obligations can be seen in the course syllabus.

Prior to the consideration at the Committee for doctoral studies and the Senate of the Faculty of Arts, the supervisor and a possible co-supervisor must agree (and sign) with the proposed doctoral dissertation topic.

Appointment of Committee to monitor the doctoral student

Committee to monitor the doctoral student monitors the student from the registration of the doctoral dissertation proposal until the assessment and defence of the doctoral dissertation and it is appointed after the student sent the complete documentation and registered the doctoral dissertation proposal. It is appointed by the Senate of the Faculty of Arts (based on proposal of the head of the department in agreement with the supervisor and coordinator of the field).

Supervisor and possible co-supervisor can be members of the Committee to monitor the doctoral student, but do not participate in the assessment.

 Presentation of the proposal of the doctoral dissertation topic

Before the assessment, the student orally presents his / her work to the members of Committee to monitor the doctoral student and to the research public: the concept of the doctoral dissertation, research questions and hypotheses, the envisaged methodology, the envisaged sources and the implementation plan.

The presentation is organized by the president of Committee to monitor the doctoral student no later than 45 days after the appointment of Committee to monitor the doctoral student (the period from July 15 to August 20 is not included in this period).

Committee to monitor the doctoral student prepares and signs a report of the presentation, which includes possible comments and a deadline for supplementing/correcting the registered  doctoral dissertation proposal. The president of Committee to monitor the doctoral student submits the report to the Administrative Office for Doctoral Study (Third-Cycle), and informs the student, supervisor and potential co-supervisor about the comments and the deadline within which the student must submit corrections of the proposal of the doctoral dissertation proposal.

 Correction of the doctoral dissertation proposal after the public presentation

Committee to monitor the doctoral student can provide the student with suggestions for its improvement while assessing of the proposal of the doctoral dissertation, but it can only do so once.

The student must make corrections and submit them to the Administrative Office for Doctoral Study (Third-Cycle) within the deadline set by the Committee to monitor the doctoral student.

Committee to monitor the doctoral student must write an assessment of the doctoral dissertation proposal within the specified deadline, even if the student does not respond to the proposed suggestions. The deadline for the preparation of an assessment of the doctoral dissertation proposal is extended by the time determined by Committee to monitor the doctoral student for the student for corrections or additions.

Approval of the doctoral dissertation proposal

The assessment of the doctoral dissertation proposal is considered by Committee for doctoral studies no later than two months after its submission to the Administrative Office for Doctoral Study (Third-Cycle) and forwarded to the Senate of the Faculty of Arts for approval.

After approval by the Senate of the Faculty of Arts, the Administrative Office for Doctoral Study (Third-Cycle) submits the doctoral dissertation proposal for approval to the University of Ljubljana.

The Senate of the UL decides on the proposed doctoral dissertation proposal within two months at the latest and informs the Faculty of Arts about the decision, while Faculty of Arts informs the student, supervisor, co-supervisor, and members of the Committee to monitor the doctoral student.

Report is written of the presentation, in which the written questions of the members of the Committee to monitor the doctoral student and the decision on the success/failure of the presentation with explanation is given or attached. In the case of necessary amendments to the draft version of doctoral dissertation, the Committee to monitor the doctoral student sets a deadline for submitting the amendments, which may not be longer however than the deadline set for submitting the doctoral dissertation.

As a rule, the presentation is public. In the particular case of confidential information, the supervisor, co-supervisor and student may suggest that the presentation should not be public. In this case, it is intended only for the members of Committee to monitor the doctoral student, the supervisor and co-supervisor.

The chair of the Committee to monitor the doctoral student submits the report of the presentation to the Administrative Office for Doctoral Study (Third-Cycle) and sends it to the student, supervisor and possible co-supervisor.

The presentation of the results of research work that was unsuccessful can only be repeated once. If the second presentation is unsuccessful, the student cannot finish the programme in the same field.

Deadline for submitting the doctoral dissertation

Students of the four-year doctoral study must submit their completed doctoral dissertation to the Administrative Office for Doctoral Study at the latest within a year of completing the last semester of the doctoral study programme or in accordance with the decision on the extension of their student status for justified reasons. Students may submit their doctoral dissertation only when they have completed all the other obligations determined in the doctoral study programme.

Students of the four-year doctoral study who cannot submit their doctoral dissertation by the deadline specified in the previous paragraph, may submit a request for continuing or completing the studies after an interruption in student information system VIS and send also the opinion of the mentor and co-mentor.

Students of the three-year doctoral study must submit their doctoral dissertation at the latest within four years from the day when the Senate of the UL approved the doctoral dissertation topic.

Students of the three-year doctoral study who cannot submit their doctoral dissertation by the deadline specified in the previous paragraph may submit an application to Administrative Office for Doctoral Study for an extension of the deadline for handing in their doctoral dissertation or an extension of the validity of the doctoral dissertation topic, whereby the deadline can be extended once for a maximum of one year.


Structure, mandatory elements, length and form of doctoral dissertation

A doctoral dissertation shall contain:

  • title in Slovene and English or another language in the case of studying a foreign language and literature;
  • abstract in Slovene and English (maximum 300 words) and at least five key words in both languages;
  • table of contents (content, pictorial material, tables, abbreviations);
  • list of articles that were published from the doctoral dissertation content, including the Declaration of Publishing Rights where appropriate;
  • introduction with the summary of the thesis from the doctoral dissertation proposal;
  • overview of the field;
  • purpose and hypotheses or research questions;
  • research methodology;
  • results;
  • discussion;
  • conclusions;
  • introduction, conclusion and extensive summary in Slovene if the doctoral dissertation has been written in another language;
  • author’s acknowledgements, which are not a necessary component and are added by the student if he/she wishes to do so;
  • bibliography;
  • signed statement by the student about authorship, with which he:
    • confirms that the doctoral dissertation is the result of his independent work;
    • confirms that the written form of the doctoral dissertation is identical to the electronic form;
    • confirms that he has acquired all the necessary permissions for the use of the data and copyright works in the doctoral dissertation and that he has clearly marked them; confirms that in the production of the doctoral dissertation in accordance with ethical standards and where necessary, he has acquired consent from the ethical committee for the research;
    • consents to the use of the electronic form of her doctoral dissertation for content similarity detection with other works using content similarity software connected with the student information system of the university member;             
    • consents to the UL transferring the right for reproduction gratuitously, non-exclusively, without space and time limitations, including the right to storage in electronic form and the right to make the doctoral dissertation available to the public;
    • confirms that [for a finished work at the third cycle of study, made up of articles] he has obtained from the publishers to whom he has previously exclusively transferred the copyright of his articles the necessary consent for the inclusion of the articles in the printed and electronic versions of his doctoral dissertation;
    • confirms that he allows the publication of his personal data given in his written doctoral dissertation and statement of authorship, as well as the publication of the dissertation;
    • confirms that he allows the use of his birthdate in the COBISS record;
    • any other appendices.


The doctoral thesis must by bound in A4 format. The cover, title page and back title must be created in accordance with appendices 1, 2 and 3 of Rules and Regulations on their Cycle Study Programmes.

As a rule, doctoral theses must not be longer than 650,000 characters with spaces (text without appendices).

The doctoral thesis must be written and edited in accordance with the rules for editing academic and academic texts at the relevant department of the Faculty of Arts. The student shall be responsible for the grammatical correctness of the text, while the Committee for doctoral studies may reject a doctoral dissertation if it is not created in accordance with the relevant instructions.


Submission method and number of copies of doctoral dissertation

Prior to submission of the doctoral dissertation to assessment the mentor and possible co-mentor give consent that the student for submitting the doctoral dissertation to assessment. Student can also submit the dissertation without the consent from the previous sentence but in this case, the mentor and possible co-mentor must explain in writing why they do not agree with the submitted work and submit the explanation to the Administrative Office for Doctoral Study (Third-Cycle).

Students submits 4 (or 5, if there is a co-mentor) bound copies of the doctoral dissertation to the Administrative Office for Doctoral Study (Third-Cycle). Administrative Office for Doctoral Study (Third-Cycle) checks whether the student fulfils all the other conditions for submitting the doctoral dissertation to assessment.


Assessment of the doctoral dissertation and opinion on the suitability of the original scientific paper

At the latest within two months of receiving the doctoral dissertation, the members of the Committee to monitor the doctoral student shall each submit their written assessment to the Administrative Office of Doctoral Study (Third-Cycle). Together with their assessment of the doctoral dissertation, the members of the Committee to monitor the doctoral student shall also submit their opinion on the suitability of the original scientific paper that has been published or accepted for publication. The Senate of the Faculty of Arts considers the written assessment as well as the opinion on the suitability of the original scientific paper.

If the Senate of the Faculty of Arts approves the doctoral dissertation the student must prior to the defence of the doctoral dissertation submit four hardbound copies of the doctoral dissertation as well as the electronic version on the CD in the format suitable for publication on the website of the Faculty of Arts.

Each hardbound copy of the doctoral dissertation must include a written statement about authorship of the doctoral dissertation and other consents and confirmations.

As a rule, the defence of a doctoral dissertation takes place within one month of the approval of the doctoral dissertation by the Senate of the Faculty of Arts. At least 7 days must pass between the approval of the doctoral dissertation by the Senate of the Faculty of Arts and its defence.

In preparation.

Students who show long-term problems, disorders, deficits or illnesses can acquire the status of a student with special needs during the study process at UL.

Students who demonstrate significant achievements in the field of sports, art and culture, international competitions and students parents, can obtain a special status in the study process at UL.

Special statuses are:

  • status of a categorized athlete/coach of categorized athletes;
  • status of a student of a recognized artist/cultural person;
  • status of participants in (regional) international competitions,
  • status of the student - parent.

Students who wish to obtain status of a student with special needs or special status, and the related adaptations of the study process, should submit an appropriate request. The request is submitted according to the procedure described in the "Student request submission" tab.

Appropriate supporting documentation must be added to the request.

Recognition of status and related adjustments to the study process are further regulated by the Regulations on students with special needs and special status (Pravilnik o študentih s posebnimi potrebami in posebnim statusom).

Instructions for filling in the enrolment paper are available here.

Choice of external elective course for students of Faculty of Arts

The student chooses an external elective course in agreement with the mentor. An external elective course can be either a course accredited in other third-cycle study programs at other faculties or universities, at home or abroad, a course from the UL Generic Skills and Competences set or two courses offered by the Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, University of Ljubljana. A presentation of the subjects is available here.

An external elective course(-s) must have a minimum of 10 ECTS.

The student chooses an external elective course upon enrolment in the doctoral study programme, and at the latest upon enrolment in the second year of study.

Choice of external elective course at Faculty of Arts for students of other higher education institutions

The student of other higher education institutions chooses the elective course in agreement with the course provider. If the course provider agrees with the student's choice, the student fills in the application form "Application for enrolment in external elective courses” prints it, obtains the signature of the course provider, and submits it to the Administrative Office for Doctoral Study (Third-Cycle).

The Administrative Office for Doctoral Study (Third Cycle) registers the student in the student information system.

After passing the exam, the Administration Office of Doctoral Study (Third Cycle) issues an official certificate of the passed exam.

In accordance with the price list Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana, the invoice for the payment of the costs of the course and taking the exam will be sent to the institution where the student is enrolled. If the institution does not cover these costs, the student is obliged to cover the costs.

Generic Skills and Competences

Courses offered by University of Ljubljana are available here. 

Course offered by Faculty of Arts:

The student may submit the following requests:

  • Recognition of special status,
  • Transferring between study fields,
  • Changing of the mentor or co-mentor,
  • Changing of the title of the doctoral dissertation,
  • Changing of individual study programme (courses/lecturers),
  • Recognition of the obligations carried out outside the doctoral study programme,
  • Extending the deadline to submit the doctoral dissertation (prior: validity of the doctoral dissertation proposal),
  • Faster progress,
  • Continuation or completion of studies after interruption of more than two years,
  • Extension of status for justified reasons,
  • Writing the doctoral dissertation in a foreign language,
  • Change in the form of payment or a possible reduction of costs of pending financial obligations. 

Students fill in and submit requests in the student information system (VIS). If any additional signatures are required (of the (co)mentor, head of the department etc.) they can submit the signed document as an attachment once again afterwards, when it is signed.

Request should be submitted (with all the required documents) in the deadlines as specified in the individual request taking into account the date of the monthly session of the Committee for doctoral studies (by Wednesday by 1 PM).

Dates of the sessions of the Committee for doctoral studies are written in the study calendar that is available here.

Decision on the request will be available to read in the student information system VIS - only available in the slovene version of VIS) by choosing in the left menu »PROŠNJE/»Pregled prošenj« and checking the section »Obravnavane prošnje« where it is possible to see the decision by clicking »Izberi. «

If the decision is payable according to the price list of the faculty, the student will also receive the invoice (see student information system VIS: “My data/My financial situation”).

Request for recognition of special status

Students with special status are students who demonstrate significant achievements in sports, art and culture, student parents and students with special needs.

Students who wish to claim a special status (special status for student with special needs, status of student athlete, status of student-recognized artist, status of student-parent) and the resulting adjustments of the study process should submit request for recognition of special status.

The request must be accompanied by appropriate supporting documents. The conditions and the supporting documents are further regulated in Pravilnik o študentih s posebnim statusom UL.

Deadline to apply: not determined.

 Request for transferring between study fields

Student may submit a request for transferring between study fields. The request must be accompanied with the opinion of the (co)mentor and the consent of the coordinator of the study field and the head of the department (they can also sign the student ´s request to confirm that they agree with the proposed content of the request).

If the request has been granted the student has to – in order to transfer between study fields - to submit an application for enrolment at the call for enrolment in third-cycle study programmes through the eVŠ portal in the deadline as set in the call for enrolment.

Student shall submit this request with required documentation through the student information system VIS.

Deadline: not determined.

Request for changing the mentor or co-mentor

Student may submit a request for changing the mentor or co-mentor, but the replacement must be approved by the previous (co)mentor. The application has to be accompanied by the consent of the (co)mentor and the consent of the head of the department (they can also sign the student's request to confirm that they agree with the proposed content of the request).

Student shall submit this request with required documentation through the student information system VIS.

Deadline: not determined.

Request for changing of the title of the doctoral dissertation

Student may submit a request for changing of the title of the doctoral dissertation. The application has to be accompanied by the consent of the (co) mentor and the consent of the coordinator of the study field and head of the department (they can also sign the student's request to confirm that they agree with the proposed content of the request).

Student shall submit this request with required documentation through the student information system VIS.

Deadline: not determined.


 Request for changing the individual study programme (of courses/ lecturers) 

Student may submit a request for changing the individual study programme (courses/lecturers). The application has to be accompanied by the consent of the mentor, consent of the coordinator of the study field and consent of the previous and suggested provider of the study unit as well as the consent of the head of the department (they can also sign the student's request to confirm that they agree with the proposed content of the request).

Student shall submit this request with required documentation through the student information system VIS.

Deadline: as a rule end of November.  

Request for recognition of the obligations carried out outside the doctoral study programme

Student may submit a request for recognition of obligations carried out outside the doctoral study programme.

The application has to be accompanied by the consent of the mentor and the consent of the head of the department (they can also sign the student's request to confirm that they agree with the proposed content of the request) and all other documentation regarding obligations fulfilled outside the doctoral study programme.

Student shall submit this request with required documentation through the student information system VIS.

Deadline: not determined.

Request for extending the deadline for submitting the doctoral dissertation

Student may submit a request extending the deadline for submitting the doctoral dissertation (prior: validity of doctoral dissertation proposal). The application has to be accompanied by the consent of the (co)mentor, consent of the coordinator of the study field and the consent of the head of the department (they can also sign the student's request to confirm that they agree with the proposed content of the request) and possible other documentation confirming the statements in the application.

Student shall submit this request with required documentation through the student information system VIS.

Deadline: before the deadline for submitting the doctoral dissertation expires.

Request for faster progress

Students who show outstanding academic results in their studies may submit a request for faster progress.

The application has to be accompanied by the consent of the mentor, consent of the coordination of the field and the consent of the head of the department (they can also sign the student's request to confirm that they agree with the proposed content of the request). The decision is made by the dean based on the proposal of Committee for doctoral studies.

Student shall submit this request with required documentation through the student information system VIS.

Deadline: not determined.

Request for continuation or completion of studies after interruption of more than two years

A student who loses student status may continue to fulfil his or her study obligations for two years after the loss of status, unless the accreditation of individual programme expires. At the end of two years after the loss of status, a student will be considered to have interrupted the studies and must submit a request for continuation or completion of studies after interruption of more than two years. The request is considered by the Committee for doctoral studies. Before deciding, the Committee for doctoral studies also checks whether the doctoral dissertation proposal is original and actual. 

In case of a positive decision the year in which the student can continue his/ her education or the obligations he/ she must complete in order to complete the doctoral study are determined, as well as any additional costs.

Student shall submit this request with required documentation through the student information system VIS.

Deadline: not determined.

 Request for extension of student status for justified reasons

The student who for justified reasons such as: prolonged illness, exceptional family and social circumstances, parenthood and special status of the students, has not fulfilled the obligation to enrol in a higher year, and may have his status extended for one year. The right for extension of student status begins in the study year following the study year when the justified reason has occurred.

The application must be accompanied by documentation confirming the statements in the request, the opinion of the mentor and the consent of the head of the department.

The decision on the extension of the student status for justified reasons is taken by the Committee for doctoral studies (based on the authorisation of the Senate of the Faculty of Art).

Deadline: the request should be sent at the latest 8 days prior to October session of Committee for doctoral studies (by Wednesday by 1 PM) as foreseen in the study calendar of the individual study year.

Dates of the sessions of the Committee for doctoral studies are written in the study calendar that is available here.

Request for writing the doctoral dissertation in a foreign language

A student may apply to write a doctoral dissertation in English if he or she is a foreign national, if a student mentor or co-mentor is a foreign national, or if a member of the Committee to monitor the doctoral student is a foreign national.

In the case of studying foreign languages ​​and literature, the student can apply to write a doctoral dissertation in this language as well.

The application must be accompanied by the consent of the mentor and the consent of the head of the department.

Student shall submit this request with required documentation through the student information system VIS.

Deadline: as a rule upon registration of doctoral dissertation proposal.

Request for change in the form of payment or a possible reduction of costs of pending financial obligations

Student can apply/send a request for change in the form of payment or a possible reduction of costs of pending financial obligations.

The request should be sent by e-mail or by regular mail.

The dean (based on authorisation of the Management board) decides on the application.

Deadline: not determined.


The following student’s achievements during the study period may be included in the Diploma Supplement:

  • official study exchanges and work placements (ERASMUS, CEEPUS …),
  • participation in the University of Ljubljana´s bodies (president of the Študentski svet UL, vice-president of the Študentski svet UL, member of the Študentski svet UL, secretary of the Študentski svet UL, student senator, position in the committees and working groups of the Senate of the UL and Študentski svet UL, student representative in the Administrative Board UL),
  • participation in the University member´s (faculty) bodies (president of the Študentski svet, vice-president of the Študentski svet, secretary of the Študentski svet, member of the Študentski svet, student senator, position in the committees and working groups, member of the Administrative Board/Student Associate Dean),
  • student tutor, coordinator for tutors-students, demonstrator.

Students decide voluntarily if they wish to add their achievements to the Diploma Supplement, however they have to provide all relevant supporting documents/certificates. The application for adding other student achievements during the study period to the Diploma Supplement with attached supporting documents/certificates should be sent to the Administrative Office for Doctoral Study (Third-Cycle).

Students enrolled in the third-cycle study programmes have to submit the form when submitting the doctoral dissertation. Applications and supporting documents/certificates that will be sent later will not be considered.

If a student has lost the student ID card or it has been stolen, he/she must apply for a new card at the Administrative Office for Doctoral Study (Third-Cycle).

To obtain a duplicate or a new student card students have to submit the application for issuing a new student ID card at Administrative Office for Doctoral Study (Third-Cycle). 

A new student ID card is payable in accordance with the price list of the faculty.

Students can withdraw from the Faculty of Arts in person at Administrative Office for Doctoral Study (Third-Cycle) during office hours or they can send documentation by email.  For withdrawal, student must complete and sign an application for withdrawal and submit it at the Administrative Office for Doctoral Study (Third-Cycle), either in person (with a student ID) or by mail.

Withdrawal due to change of the study programme/course and student status

Student who withdraws from a study program/course because he wants to enrol in a new study programme/course before the end of the academic year, does not lose his student status with withdrawal if he enrols in a new study programme/course before the end of the academic year. In this case, the student retains the student until the end of the academic year (September 30). More in the explanation here (only in slovene).

A person whose student status has ceased due to withdrawal from a study programme and field of study may re-enrol in this study programme and field of study, however tuition is charged for studies in accordance with the provisions of the price list for the current academic year. The application form as well as deadlines for enrolment after withdrawal are available on the Slovene version of the website.

In preparation.