Oddelek za etnologijo in kulturno antropologijo

Gostujoča predavanja prof. Gabriele Poblet Denti / guest lectures of prof. Gabriela Poblet Denti

Vabljeni na predavanja v ponedeljek, 8. 4. in sredo, 10. 4. 2024, ko bo pri nas gostovala prof. Gabriela Poblet Denti z Avtonomne univerze v Barceloni
Predavanja bodo potekala po naslednjem razporedu:
Ponedeljek, 8. 4. od 14:40 do 18:00, P2: Overview of Latin American Migrations; “Economic” vs. Forced Migrations.
Sreda, 10. 4. od 13.00 do 16.20, P3: Feminization of Migration and Gender Inequalities; Chronic Violence in Central America.

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Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology Faculty of Arts Invites to the guest lectures of prof. Gabriela Poblet Denti (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)
Monday 8. 4. from 14:40 to 18:00, room P2: Overview of Latin American Migrations; “Economic” vs. Forced Migrations.
Wednesday, 10. 4. from 13.00 to 16.20, room P3: Feminization of Migration and Gender Inequalities; Chronic Violence in Central America.


Gabriela Poblet Denti Creole lectures.pdf


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