Institutional Preschool and Family Education
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Hočevar Andreja
Family and institutional preschool education research methodology.
Education in the family.
Definitions of the family and examination of different theoretical concepts concerning family issues.
The family through history. The role of important Others during the child's interiorization of the world.
Education in preschool education institutions.
Conceptual and legislative solutions for preschool education in Slovenia and abroad.
The curricular conception – between goal-oriented and process-oriented curriculum planning. The planned curriculum, the hidden curriculum, the implemented curriculum.
(Self-)evaluation, assessing and assuring quality in preschools.
● DeMause, L. (b. l.). Foundations of Psychohistory, str. 1–4 (Preface) in str. 1–23 (The evolution of childhood). Dostopno https://psychohistory.com/books/foundations-of-psychohistory
● Kovač Šebart, M., Hočevar, A. (2019). Delusions of Preschool Education: Does Anyone Care about the Process Quality Anymore? Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovač. ID=70133346
● Puhar, A. (2004). Prvotno besedilo življenja. Ljubljana: Studia Humanitatis. ID=213615360
● Šebart, M. (1997). Tradicionalno-korporativistični vzgojno-socializacijski model in oblikovanje libidinalne ekonomije Slovencev. Sodobna pedagogika, št. 3–4, str. 136–155 in št. 5–6, str. 264–275. ID=761348
● Verhaeghe, P. (2002). Ljubezen v času osamljenosti. Ljubljana: Orbis, 221 str. ID=117671936
● Žižek S. (1987). Jezik, ideologija, Slovenci. Ljubljana: Delavska enotnost, str. 105–143 in 153–157. ID=4119552
Relevant bibliography available in libraries and on the Internet – following the agreement at the start of the academic year.