Public Archaeology
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 60
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 9
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Pirkovič Jelka, doc. dr. Vidrih Perko Verena, izr. prof. dr. Gaspari Andrej
Concepts and values of the archaeological heritage. The importance of communication archaeological content and knowledge gained through archaeological methods. Developing the protection of the archaeological heritage in Europe and in Slovenia; modern international legal protection and institutions.
The position of the protection of the archaeological heritage in the Slovenian public. The importance of interpretation and presentation, and collaboration with the public for effective protection of archaeological sites. Principles of archaeological conservation, terminology, interdisciplinarity. Threats to the archaeological heritage, physical protection (terminology and definitions), principles and aims of preventive archeology. Information on archaeological heritage (record-keeping, registers, other documentation) and evaluation. Archaeological conservation measures and interventions. Basics of museology, museum communications and museography (the principles and history of museality, the principles of heritage collection, storage, and protection). Modern principles of heritage protection outside museums (eco-museums, cyber-museums). Case studies of archaeological site musealisations. The meaning of modern information and communication technologies in the interpretation of archaeological heritage.
Ambrose, T., Paine C., 2002, Museum Basics (ICOM). London, New York. COBISS.SI-ID - 27905890
Fairclough G. et al., 2008, The Heritage Reader. London, New York, Routledge, 580 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 512686634
Pickard R. et al., 2000, Guidelines for the protection of the archaeological heritage / Directives sur la protection du patrimoine archéologique. Strasbourg: Council of Europe publishing, 33 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 9465
Heritage and beyond. Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg 2009, 220 str. https://rm.coe.int/CoERMPublicCommonSearchServices/DisplayDCTMContent?d…
Maroević, I. 2020, Uvod v muzeologijo. Ljubljana. 371 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 44336131
Merriman N. (ed.), 2004, Public Archaeology. New York London. 306 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 25463138
Petrič M. (ur.), 2000, Mednarodno pravno varstvo kulturne dediščine. - Vestnik 17, Uprava RS za kulturno dediščino, 75 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 110031616
Pirkovič, J., 2012, Arheološko konservatorstvo in varstvo nepremične kulturne dediščine. – Učbenik za predmet Arheologija za javnost, Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani, Ljubljana, 53 str. http://www.dlib.si/details/URN:NBN:SI:doc-WGZSG1GH
Pearce, S. 1996, Archaeological Curatorship. London, New York: Leicester University Press, 240 str. COBISS ID=1150560
Perko, V. 2014, Muzeologija, arheologija za javnost. Muzej Krasa. Ljubljana: Kinetik. COBISS.SI-ID - 275375872
Skeats, R., McDavid, C., J. Carman 2012, The Oxford Handbook of Public Archaeology. https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199237821.001.0001
Thomas, Suzie. “Community Archaeology”. Key Concepts in Public Archaeology, edited by Gabriel Moshenska, UCL Press, London, 2017, pp. 14–30. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctt1vxm8r7.6
Diaz-Andreu, M. 2007, A World History of Nineteenth-Century Archaeology Nationalism, Colonialism, and the Past. Oxford Studies in the History of Archaeology. https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=e000xww&AN=21504…
Šola, T., 1997, Essays on museums and their theory : towards the cybernetic museum. Helsinki: The Finnish Museums Association. https://www.mnemosophy.com/_files/ugd/3fdf65_db0d62579ab64befac8a774e96…
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Most part of listed texts is synthetic historical works and discusses the same topic. Thus students should consult primarily the chosen topics according to the lecture contents or professor’s suggestions.