Didactics of Adult Education
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Radovan Marko
Basic concepts: experience, experiential learning and experiential education, dialogue, identification and validation of experiential learning package testimonies of knowledge, experiential learning in the workplace, and experiential learning in life.
Models of experiential learning; Dewey’s model, Jarvis’s and other models.
Schon’s concept of experiential learning and the role of experts in learning.
Classifications of experiential learning by Boydell, Weill and McGilll, Melamed.
Identification and validation of experiential learning, preparation and evaluation of personal testimonies package of skills.
Preparing for an interview and use of biographical methods.
• Beard, C., Wilson, J. P., Irvine, D. (2006). Experiential Learning, A Best Practice Handbook for Trainers and Educators. London: Kogan Page. (314 strani) ID=70936162 (2018)
• Boud, D.,Solomon N. (2001). Work-based Learning: A New Higher Education, Open Univesity Press, (strani: 1-227). ID=1014374
• Corradi, C., Evans, N., Valk, A F (2006). Recognising Experiential Learning, Practices in European Universities, Tartu University Press, Estonia. (242 strani) ID=1279078
• Jarvis P. (2003) Učenje iz izkušenj. Andragoška spoznanja, št. 2. (str. 19-29)ID=455866176
• Mijoč, N. (1995). Izkustveno učenje, teoretična poglavja iz doktorske disertacije. Ljubljana ( str. 5-166).ID=51347200
• Mijoč, N. (1999). Znanje pridobljeno z izkustvenim učenjem. Andragoška spoznanja št. 1. Ljubljana. (str. 44-51). ID=455866176
Relevantni članki iz domače in tuje literature, dostopne v knjižnicah in na svetovnem spletu.