Interpreting Studies
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 15
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Kocijančič Pokorn Nike
The couse consist of two subcourses:
a) Interpreting Studies with Deontology
b) Memory Exercises and Note-taking
ad 1) The focus will be on:
- the history and development of interpreting;
- Interpreting Studies vs. Translation Studies; Interpreting Theory vs. Translation Theory;
- Major currents in interpreting theory:
o »théorie du sens« (D. Seleskovich in M. Lederer),
o Skopos theory in interpreting studies (Erich Prunč);
o Systemic/Descriptive interpreting theory (Anne Schjoldager in Ingrid Kurz);
o Cultural turn and the postcolonial current in interpreting studies (M. Cronin);
o sociology of interpreting.
- Critical study of interpreting codes of ethics and standards of practice;
- Professionalization of the profiles: conference interpreter, community interpreter (public-service intepreter), court interpreter;
- Contemporary Slovene interpreting market;
- Professional associations of interpreters.
All topics are discussed by focusing on ethical aspects and on ethical consequences of interpreting or interpretors' decisions.
Ad b) Introduction to the characteristics of interpreting activity and practical skill (stress, memory). Tools of the trade, interpreting equipment and the conference environment. Establishing awareness of the fundamental cognitive skills an interpreter must acquire, develop and maintain: analysis and perception (active listening and comprehension, the capacity for abstract and structured thought, visualisation, association, fundamental ideas, key terminology, passive memory activation, global context awareness, general knowledge and culture). Frequent discourse types, speeches interpreted in the institutional context. Consecutive interpreting skills and techniques. Note-taking, speech analysis and presentation. Simultaneous interpreting techniques, diction. Interpreting as a mode of communication, interpreting and communicative models (a linguistic approach). The cognitive/pragmatic model of interpreting. Interpreting research. Professional ethics and codes of conduct. Conference interpreting terminology.
1. SCHLESINGER, M., PÖCHHACKER, F. 2002. The interpreting studies reader. London: Routledge. COBISS.SI-ID - 22844258
2. PÖCHHACKER, F. 2015. Routledge encyclopedia of Interpreting Studies. London, New York: Routledge.
3. KOCIJANČIČ-POKORN, Nike. 2018. Potreba po skupnostnih prevajalcih in tolmačih za potrebe zdravstva v Sloveniji. V: PREGELJ, Barbara (ur.). Bela knjiga o prevajanju 2018 : premiki na področju prevajanja, tolmačenja, podnaslavljanja in lektoriranja v Sloveniji. Ljubljana: Društvo slovenskih književnih prevajalcev, str. 34-36. COBISS.SI-ID – 299102720
4. GORJANC, Vojko (ur.). 2013. Slovensko tolmačeslovje. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete. COBISS.SI-ID - 268349184
5. Markič, J. 2018. O tolmačenju in tolmačih. V: PREGELJ, Barbara (ur.). Bela knjiga o prevajanju 2018 : premiki na področju prevajanja, tolmačenja, podnaslavljanja in lektoriranja v Sloveniji. Ljubljana: Društvo slovenskih književnih prevajalcev, str. 25-27. COBISS.SI-ID – 299102720 DLIB