Experiential Learning
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 30
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Šarić Marjeta, prof. dr. Šteh Barbara
- The definition of experiential learning; theoretical bases and sources of experiential learning (Dewey, Piaget, Lewin, Kolb, Walter, Marks, et al.);
- Principles, methods and phases of experiential learning;
- Planning, implementing and evaluating experiential learning: the importance of connecting objectives, circumstances, depth of influence and organization in the planning, implementing and evaluation of experiential learning;
- The role of the leader in experiential learning; training;
- The role of group dynamics for the successful implementation of experiential learning;
- Reflection in experiential learning: different approaches; deepening and developing the critical reflective practice;
- The role of feedback in experiential learning;
- The importance of supervision for the professional development of practitioners and for autonomous and responsible behaviour;
- Areas of experiential learning; experiential learning in gaining communication skills;
- Learning styles and other individual differences relevant to the learning from experience;
- Advantages and disadvantages of various methods of experiential learning; ethical issues;
- (Self-) evaluation of experiential learning.
● Marentič Požarnik, B., Šarić, M. in Šteh, B. (2021). Izkustveno učenje. 1.izd., 2. natis. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 163. str. ID=77872387
● Beard, C., Wilson, J.P. (2002). The Power of Experiential Learning. A handbook for trainers and educators. London: Kogan Page Limited; Sterling, VA: Stylus Pub. Inc. ID=21085794 Poglavja:
- Exploring experiential learning, str. 13-39;
- Exploring reality, str. 63-89;
- Good practice and ethics, str. 161-191;
- Ways of learning, str. 192-221.
● Dewey, J., 1895-1952 (2012). Šola in družba. Ljubljana: Pedagoška fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani. Poglavji: Potreba po teoriji izkušnje in Merila izkušnje, str. 83-98. ID=261780736
● Dumont, H. in Istance, D. (2013). Analiziranje in oblikovanje učnih okolij za 21. stoletje. V: H. Dumont, D. Istance in F. Benavides (ur.). O naravi učenja: uporaba raziskav za navdih prakse. Ljubljana: Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo, str. 23-36. https://www.dlib.si/details/URN:NBN:SI:doc-RCUDJLZQ
● Jay, J. K. in Johnson, K. L. (2002). Capturing complexity: A typology of reflective practice for teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 18, št. 1, str. 73-85. Dostopno na: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0742-051X(01)00051-8
● Kolb, D. (2015). Experiential learning, Experience as the source of learning and development, 2. izdaja. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education. ID=11197268
● Korthagen, F. (2009). Praksa, teorija in osebnost v vseživljenjskem učenju. Vzgoja in izobraževanje, 40, št. 4, str. 4-14. ID=1131780
● Korthagen, F. in Vasalos, A. (2009). »Kakovost od znotraj« kot ključ profesionalnega razvoja. Vzgoja in izobraževanje, 40, št. 4, str. 15-21. ID=1131780
● Moon, J. A. (2004). A handbook of reflective and experiential learning: Theory and practice. Oxon, UK in New York: Routledge. ID=1153126 Poglavji: Exploring reflective and experiential learning, str. 69-130; Working with reflective and experiential learning, str.131-181.
● Rupnik Vec, T. (2003). Na poti k hitrejši profesionalizaciji in zadovoljstvu s poklicno vlogo. Vzgoja in izobraževanje, 34, št. 6, str. 11-19. ID=1131780
● Šarić in Šteh (2017). Critical reflection in the professional development of teachers: challenges and possibilities. CEPS journal: Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 7, št. 3, str. 67-85. Dostopno na: https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1156912.pdf
Each academic year, a selection of recent current contributions (journal articles, excerpts), is prepared and it represents required academic reading.