Ethnology of Europe
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 30
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Baskar Bojan, Zaposleni/pogodbeni bodoči
Genesis of ethnology of Europe in the history of anthropology and proto-subdisciplines such as 'statistics', ethnography, folklore, Volkskunde... Short overview of early Ethnology of Europe (ethnogenesis of European peoples and racial-cultural theories on migrations and diffusions; culture area approach). Regional divisions of Europe. Problems of European boundaries, especially in the east and south. Orientalist discourses on Europe and Others. Inclusivist and exclusivist cultural definitions of Europe. Europe of nations, Europe of regions or Europe of peoples? Creation of national identities and European nationalisms. Ethnoregionalisms and ethnonationalisms (Padanian, Occitan, Istrian, Basque, etc.). Cultural racism, populism, far-right identity movements. Uses and history of ethnic myths, national mythologies and imperial legacies. 'Supranational' inventions of ethnocultural identities (Celtomania, Slavophilia, Eurasianism...). Contemporary processes of European integration and ethnology of EU. Multiculturalism and creolization.
Practical classes are carried out as study excursions and fieldwork in selected European countries.
I. Knjiga
1. Daun, Ake in Sören Jansson, Europeans: Essays on Cultural Identity. Lund: Nordic Academic Press, 1999. COBISS.SI-ID - 17196642
II. Članki
1. Bojan BASKAR, Etnologija Francije in socialna antropologija. Spremna beseda k: Françoise ZONABEND, Dolgi spomin: časi in zgodovine v vasi. Ljubljana, 1993, str. 229–249. COBISS.SI-ID - 38670848
2. Bojan BASKAR, Small national ethnologies and supranational empires: the case of the Habsburg monarchy. V: M. NIC CRAITH, U. Kockel in R. Johler (ur.). Everyday culture in Europe : approaches and methodologies. Ashgate, 2008, str. 65–80. COBISS.SI-ID - 37599586 ali Male nacionalne etnologije in nadnacionalni imperiji: Primer Habsburške monarhije. V: B. Baskar, Dvoumni Mediteran : študije o regionalnem prekrivanju na vzhodnojadranskem območju, Koper, 2002, str. 123–142. COBISS.SI-ID - 120719616 https://www.academia.edu/6182475/Small_National_Ethnologies_and_Suprana…
3. Pier Paolo VIAZZO, Alpske skupnosti: Okolje, prebivalstvo in družbena struktura. (Uvod, str. 5-23.) Ljubljana, Studia Humanitatis, 2014. COBISS.SI-ID - 278488576
4. Bojan BASKAR, Alpe antropologov: Od evolucije k zgodovini. (V: Pier Paolo VIAZZO, Alpske skupnosti: Okolje, prebivalstvo in družbena struktura. (spremna študija, str. 435-457.) Ljubljana, Studia Humanitatis, 2014. COBISS.SI-ID - 278488576 https://www.academia.edu/12321458/Alpe_antropologov_Od_evolucije_do_zgo…
5. Orvar LÖFGREN, “The Nationalization of Culture”. Ethnologia Europaea, 1989, 19, str. 5–23. COBISS.SI-ID – 8147463 https://doi.org/10.16995/ee.1386
6. Herman TAK, Longing for Local identity: Intervillage Relations in an Italian Mountain Area. Anthropological Quarterly, 63, 2, 1990, str. 90–100. https://www.jstor.org/stable/3318117
Literatura za vaje:
Izbrani članki s COBISSa in JSTORa za antropološko preučevanje izbranih pokrajin (interni seznam dostopen študentom na VISU). / Selected anthropological articles accessible at COBISS or JSTOR with regional case studies (list is available at vis student system).