Structure and Development of Historical Science
Lectures: 60
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Štuhec Marko
Historical awareness, its social role and factors that form it; the difference between common sense perception of the past and a reflected awareness of the past; the subject of history science; history science as a humanistic and social science; the relation of history science and other social sciences and humanities; the historiographical paradigm and its components; interactions among historical sources, paradigm and the historian; the role of a historian in defining knowledge of the past; the problem of objectivity in historiography; the problems of legalities and models in historical development; historical sources and their typology; historical sources sites: field, institutions, publications of sources; textual and historical critique of sources; auxiliary sciences of history; the problems of periodization of the past; the subject and basic methods of different historiographical areas; general and national history; micro history; ancient historiography; medieval historiography; the emergence and development of textual and historic critique; erudition; historiography in Enlightenment; the concept of historicism; the joining of erudition and synthetic reflection of the past; historiography in 19th century; the breaking of the traditional paradigm around 1900; Marxism and historiography; the Annales School; history as a historical social science; the expansion of historical anthropology; linguistic twist and its influence to modern historiography; historiography in Slovenia.
Struktura in razvoj zgodovinske znanosti : gradivo za študente COBISS.SI-ID – 19487586
Priporočena literatura:
J. H. Arnold; History. A very Short Introduction, Oxford-New York 2000, 134 str. ID - 1511997
P. Burke, Revolucija v francoskem zgodovinopisju. Anali 1929-1989, Ljubljana 1993, 167 str. ID - 115034
O. Luthar et al. Zgodovina historične misli od Homerja do začetka 21. stoletja, Ljubljana 2006, str. 53-119, 125-133, 137-155, 240-273, 277-282, 310-315, 335-343, 394-419, 431-437, 459-474, 497-507, 519-526, 543-582, 625-641. ID - 223431424
M. Štuhec, Med mrmranjem stoletji in truščem dogodkov. Geremek med zgodovino in politiko v: B. Geremek, Usmiljenje in vislice, Ljubljana 1997, str. 299-314. ID - 66010368
M. ŠTUHEC. Okvir in platno: Jan Huizinga in njegova Jesen srednjega veka V: Huizinga, Johan. Jesen srednjega veka, (Studia humanitatis). Ljubljana: Studia Humanitatis, 2011, str. 571-589. ID - 260632576
M. ŠTUHEC, Lucien Febvre, bojeviti ()evolucionar, V: Lucien Febvre, Boj za zgodovino in Civilizacija, Beseda in ideja, Ljubljana, 2015, str. 317-340. ID – 283423488
P. Vodopivec, Fernand Braudel, Možnosti in meje totalne zgodovine v: F. Braudel, Materialna civilizacija, ekonomij in kapitalizem. Čas sveta II, Ljubljana 1991, str. 351-372. ID - 28709376
P. Vodopivec, Zgodovinopisje, v: Enciklopedija Slovenije 15, Ljubljana, 2001 str. 165-172. ID - 17411
P. Boucheron, Kaj zmore zgodovina. Ljubljana, 2018, 39 str. ID - 294794752