Classroom management and teachers' professional development

Classroom management and teachers' professional development

Lectures: 30

Seminars: 30

Tutorials: 0

ECTS credit: 5

Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Kalin Janica

1. Teacher's professional development:
• Defining professional development in teaching profession
• Theories of professional development
• Components of the new professionalism
• Factors of encouraging professional development
• Planning and evaluating of teachers' professional development
• School as a learning community: partnership between teachers and school counsellors, intergenerational cooperation, teachers' status in society

2. Classroom leadership:
• Class as social group: characteristics, stages of group development, group dynamics, group members roles
• Structural elements of class: group aims, norms, structures, cohesiveness
• Class teacher roles and tasks, elements of class climate and school culture
• Basic principles of classroom leadership
• Classroom leadership strategies; participation of pupils
• Planning the work with a class; the role of teachers' assembly, planning the programme of class community life and work
• Class community hours: aims, content and methods of work
• Methodology of monitoring and evaluating class community life and work

● Čepić, R., Kalin, J., Šteh, B. (2019). Poklicni razvoj učiteljev: kontekst, perspektive in izzivi = Teachers' professional development: Context, perspectives, and challenges. V: Kalin, J. (ur.), Čepić, R. (ur.). Poklicni razvoj učiteljev: ugled in transverzalne kompetence = Teacher' professional development: status and transversal competencies. 1. izd. V Ljubljani: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete; = Ljubljana: University Press, Faculty of Arts; Reka; Pedagoška fakulteta; = Rijeka: Faculty of Teacher Education, 2019. str. 21-45, 133-158. ID=69627746
● Gregorčič Mrvar, P., Resman, M., Kalin, J., Mažgon, J. (2019). Cooperation between head teachers and professional school counsellors in Slovenian schools. Management: journal of contemporary management issues. vol. 24, special issue, str. 89-106. ID=69707106
● Kalin, J. (2001). Pogledi na razrednikovo delo in vloge razrednika. Sodobna pedagogika, letn. 52, št. 1, str. 8-31. ID=761348
● Kalin, J. (2002). Ravnatelj in razrednik pred ogledalom novega profesionalizma. Sodobna pedagogika, letn. 53, št. 1, str. 150-166. ID=761348
● Kalin, J. (2004). Učiteljev profesionalni razvoj in kultura učeče se organizacije. Vodenje v vzgoji in izobraževanju, št. 3, str. 25-36. ID=127567616
● Kalin, J. (2019). Vloga pedagoga pri sodelovanju z razredniki in oddelčno skupnostjo. Sodobna pedagogika, letn. 70, št. 1, str. 70-86. ID=69528418
● Muršak, J., Javrh, P., Kalin, J. (2011). Poklicni razvoj učiteljev. (Razprave FF). Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete. ID=257139456
● Peklaj, C. in Pečjak, S. (2015). Psihosocialni odnosi v šoli. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, str. 47-56. ID=279898880
● Programske smernice za delo oddelčnega učiteljskega zbora in oddelčne skupnosti (2005). Ljubljana: MŠŠ. Dostopno na:….
● Pšunder, M. (2011). Vodenje razreda. Maribor: Mednarodna založba Oddelka za slovanske jezike in književnosti, Filozofska fakulteta, str. 73-164. ID=67952641

Relevant articles from domestic and foreign literature, accessible in libraries and on the World Wide Web.