Arhivistics with Research Methodology

Arhivistics with Research Methodology

Study Cycle: 2

Lectures: 50

Seminars: 0

Tutorials: 10

ECTS credit: 5

Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Mlacović Dušan, doc. dr. Štuhec Marko, izr. prof. dr. Balkovec Bojan

First half: Becoming acquainted with the basics of the archival science and its development, with the organisation and tasks of the archival service, and with the essential review of archival material in domestic and foreign archives.

Second half: Becoming acquainted with the most important types of archival material that hold permanent significance to the research of history, to other sciences and to culture, and also to the ensurance of the legal security of the state and the citizens. Emphasis lies on the wide spectrum of records and files that have been created through the centuries. The subject also includes practical work with the material and the elaboration of a written work (adapted to the student's course of study).