Pedagogical Work with Learners with Special Needs

Pedagogical Work with Learners with Special Needs

Study Cycle: 1

Lectures: 60

Seminars: 22

Tutorials: 8

ECTS credit: 7

Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Jeznik Katja, doc. dr. Šarić Marjeta, prof. dr. Kroflič Robert

- historical metaphors of relation to the otherness
- interdisciplinary approach to children with special needs
- classifications of children with special needs
- theories of discourse and the relationship to handicap
- legal and ethical dimmensions of treatment of children with special needs
- pedagogical discourse, its didactical principles and the idea of inclusiveness
- educational concepts and forming of inclusive culture
- pedagogical treatment of different categories of special needs

- Integracija/inkluzija v vrtcu, osnovni in srednji šoli (Posebna izdaja Sodobne pedagogike). Ljubljana 2003. 213 str. ID=761348
- Šola, vrtec in drugačnost (Posebna izdaja Sodobne pedagogike). Ljubljana 2006. 228 str. ID=761348
- Lesar, I. Šola za vse? : ideja inkluzije v šolskih sistemih. Ljubljana 2009. 280 str. ID=258658176
- Peček, M. in Lesar, I. Pravičnost slovenske šole : mit ali realnost. Ljubljana 2006. 223 str. ID=229959424
- Kroflič, R. idr.. Kazen v šoli? : izbrani pristopi k sankcioniranju prestopkov in podpori prosocialnega ter moralnega ravnanja (prvo poglavje). Ljubljana 2011. 23 str. ID=2570140016 in…