Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani

Invitation to on-line workshop Research Professional training for end-users

Dear all,

You are kindly invited to a short online workshop Research Professional Training for End Users, where you will learn how to use the Research Professional Portal in practise and thus improve your opportunities to participate in international projects, networking and other research opportunities. The University of Ljubljana pays for a subscription to Research Professional, an information platform with the largest database of open calls in the world. The database contains more than 12,000 funders who publish more than 350 calls for proposals daily for research, development, education, research infrastructure, travel, awards and other research-related opportunities. All teachers, researchers, students and other professionals at the University of Ljubljana have the opportunity to use the platform free of charge via computers within the UL network.

The workshop will take place on the Zoom platform on Tuesday, 14 June 2022, from 13:00 to 14:00, it will be held English and led by Amalie Stenfeldt-Jrgensen, Technical Support Analyst at Ex Libris.

Registration to the workshop is possible until Monday, 13.6. 2022 (by 11:00 AM) via following link:

One day before the event, you will receive a zoom link to the event in your email. Program of the event is in the attachment.

Kind regards,

University Office for Research



Department of Translation Studies

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