Oddelek za azijske študije

Predavanja o japonskem jeziku in kulturi

Prihodnji teden bo na našem oddelku gostovala dr. Stella Zhivkova z Univerze Sv. Kliment Ohridski v Sofiji, najstarejše univerze v Bolgariji, ki bo predavala o japonskem jeziku in kulturi.

Dr. Stella Zhivkova je doktorirala iz japonskega jezika in kulture na Univerzi v Osaki (2006). Področja njenega raziskovanja so izrazni elementi v japonski kulturi, fonetična in funkcionalna analiza onomatopejskih izrazov (gitaigo), mnemonični zlogovni sistem v tradicionalni glasbi (za instrument koto), tradicionalna in sodobna japonska kultura. Trenutno je docentka na Univerzi Sv. Kliment Ohridski v Sofiji, kjer poučuje japonščino, tolmačenje in kulturološke predmete. Je avtorica nedavno izdanega dela Expression in Japanese culture : an inquiry into the phenomenon of image-laden loci observed in language, music and poetry.



Urnik predavanj

1. Expression in Japanese Culture: What Makes Japanese Culture Unique?

A demonstration of a general tendency in Japanese culture towards encoding meanings in iconic formations which the author calls image-laden loci by exploring examples from Japanese language, music and poetry. Although all the cases of image-laden loci are well-known phenomena of Japanese culture (onomatopoeic words, kigo in poetry, etc.), they are very little, if at all, studied as image-abundant expressive devices with common characteristics representative of the culture in question.

Mon. (8.5.):  11.20-12.55@ R2 (in English)


2. Everyday Life and Culture of the City and Related Gitaigo Words

The lecture consists of short introduction to Japanese onomatopoeic words in terms of their phonetic structure and sound-symbolism. Further, divided by topics (city traffic, school, hospital, restaurant etc.) sets of onomatopoeic words will be introduced and taught.

Tue. (9.5.):  8.50-10:30 @ 3-Rim (in Japanese)


3. Bunraku Theatre as Representative of Three-fold Suggestiveness of visual, audio and verbal media

Bunraku Theatre as Representative of Three-fold Suggestiveness of visual, audio and verbal media In Japanese Bunraku theater puppets are voiceless. Their emotions as well as words reach the audience through gidayu narrator. With the assistance of the shamisen music, the effect evokes mind images semantically coherent with the picture created by the play of the puppets. Short in duration shamisen melodies dynamically resemble the most typical features in the characters’ behavior, the audience can easily re-construct the verbally inexplicable emotional and dynamic side of the stage action.

Tue.(9.5.): 13.00-14.35 @R2 (in English)


4. Food Culture and Onomatopoeia for Food in Japanese

The lecture focuses on the history of Japanese food and intends to teach some Japanese onomatopoeia for food, searching for the crispiness, crunchiness etc. of food and such qualities reflected in the phonetic structure of food mimetic words.

Thu. (11.5.): 13:50-15:20 @ 030  R2(in Japanese)



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